Greeting Card and Invitation Card

Hello friends!
How are you today?πŸ™ƒ
I hope you are always fineπŸ˜‰
OK, today I will provide information about Greeting Card and Invitation Card

Let's start learning it guys!πŸ€“

A. Greeting Card

    We can write or send greeting card to someone on his/her special occasions, such as birthday, graduations, holidays, marriage, or grief stricken. The sosial function of Greeting Card is to express our gratitude, hopes, prayers, or wishes for the recipients.
Generic Structure of Greeting Card
1. Receiver
To : Diana
Dear Diana
2. Body/ Content
Body/ content comprise greeting or symphaty and hope/wish. Greeting or symphaty is the purpose of the card. The purpose greeting card existed 4 type, that is
• to greet
Example sentence:
Happy 14th Birthday!
• to congratulate
Example sentence:
Congratulations on moving to your new house!
• to express condolences
Example sentence:
My deepest condolences on the death of your grandmother.
• to express symphaty
3. Sender
• Your friend,
• Your beloved son,
• Love,

Example Greeting Card from book

Card analysis :
1. Happy 14th Birthday! => The purpose of the card => to greet
2. Best wishes for you ... => Hope/wish
(Number 1&2 is body card)
3. Your dear cousin, ... => Sender

Example Greeting Card (2)
And this card I made myself with CanvaπŸ€—
Card analysis :
1. To : Isnan =>Receiver
2. Congratulations above your good ... => Body text => The purpose of the card => to congratulate.
3. May you can always ... => Body text => hope/wish.
4. Your beloved aunt, ... => Sender

B. Invitation Card
    Invitation card is a request for individuals or groups to participate in an event.
Generic Structure of Invitation Card
1. Receiver
2. Content/Body text
Body text of invitation card comprise :
• Purpose of the text => to invite someone
Example sentence : 
You're invited to ...
• Event
Example sentence :
You're invited to our Housewarming Party!
• Place
Example sentence :
Jl. Cilantro No.2 Garut
• Day & Date
Example sentence : 
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
• Time
Example sentence :
At 7 p.m
At 9 a.m
• RSVP/ Contact Person, the point for the recipient to confirm his presence.
Example sentence :
08796368757304 (Tiara)
3. Sender

 Example Invitation Card from book

Card analysis :
1. Join us at => Body card => the purpose of the card => to invite someone
2. Yanika's 14th birthday party => body card => event
3. At Poseidon ... => Body card => place
4. On Saturday, ... => Body card => Day & Date
5. At 11 a.m - ... => Body card => time
6. Delicious food, ... => Body card
7. RSVP : ... => Body card => RSVP/Contact Person 
Example Invitation Card (2)
And this card I made myself with Canva πŸ€—
Card analysis :
1. Join us to => Body card => the purpose => to invite someone
2. to celebrate the graduate Athifa Zalfa => body card => event
3. At Sparkling Cafe and Resto => Body card => place 
4. On Saturday, ... => Body card => Day & Date
5. At 3 p.m- 6 p.m => Body card => Time
6. RSVP : Isnan ... => RSVP/ Contact Person

Maybe only this which I can provide. I hope this is useful. Thank you very much and see you on the next material..πŸ‘‹

References :
Deby Selvia R.N., etc. (2018). Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VIII Semester 1. Yogyakarta : PT PENERBIT INTAN PARIWARA


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