Instruction, Invitation, and Suggestion

Hello friends!
Meet again with me, Lathifah Zulfaa 😊
Today I will provide informations about Instruction, Invitation, and Suggestion..
 Let's start learning it guys!

A. Instruction 
Instruction is the sentence said when we enjoin someone. The sosial function of instruction is enjoin someone to do something.
For examples :
• Open it nowLina.
   V1.     O . Adv
• Open it, please.
   V1 .    O , please.
• Will you give this note to him?
  Will . S .    V1 .      O.           Adv

Respond :
• Yes
• Alright
• Sure

♠ Structure

1. V1 + (Object) + (Adverb)
    Do your homework now
2. Please, V1 + (Object) + (Adverb) or V1 + (Object)+ (Adverb)
    Please, open the door.
    Open the door, please.
3. Will/Would + S + V1 + (O) + (adv) + ?
    Will you open the door?
    Would you open the door?
4. Can/Could + S + V1 + (O)+ (adv) + ?
    Can you open the door?
    Could you open the door?
5. Would you like + to + V1 + (O) + (adv)+?
    Would you like to open the door?
6. Would you mind + V1+ing + (O) + (adv) +?
    Would you mind opening the door?
From the order of structure above, getting down more polite.

Example dialog :
Instructor : "Hey children, I am going to instruct you some basic techniques"
Children : "Horrey"
Instructor : "First, jump as high as you can!"
Children : "Okey, Sir"
Instructor : "Second, set your racket as comfortable as you can"
Children : "We get it, Sir"
Instructor : "Then, let's get practice now"
Children : "Let's go!"

B. Invitation
The social function of invitation is to invite someone join at spesific event. 
For examples :
• Come to my birthday party
   V1.                     O
• Will you come to my birthday party?
   Will . S.     V1.                    O
• Can you come to my birthday party?
    Can . S.     V1.                     O

Respond :
If you accept, then you use :
• Yes, ...
• Sure
• Alright
• Of course
• OK
• Certainly
If you reject, then you use :
• Sorry, I can't
• I'd like to, but I can't
And many more sentence..

♠ Structure
1. V1 + (O) + (adv)
2. Please + V1 + (O) + (adv)
    Please, come to my birthday party.
3. Will/Would + S + V1 + (O) + (adv) +?
    Would you come to my birthday party?
4. Can/Could + S + V1 + (O) + (adv) +?
    Could you come to my birthday party?
5. Would you like + to + V1 + (O) + (adv) +?
    Would you like to come to my birthday party?
6. Would you mind + V1+ing + (O) + (adv) + ?
    Would you mind coming to my birthday party?

Example dialog :
Fendi : "Where are you going, Kinar?"
Kinar : ''I'm going to the canteen. Would you like to join?
Fendi : "No, thanks. I'm full."
Kinar : "OK. I'm leaving now"

C. Suggestion/Recommendation
The social function of Suggestion is to express what are should we/they/I do.
For examples :
• You should change your attitude.
• You should love your body.
• We should ask Mrs. Ariyani to open the seminar.
Keyword in suggestion is should

Respond :
• Okay
• Alright
• Of course
• Certainly
• Sure


1. S + should + V1 + (O) + (adv)
    You should study hard.

Example dialog :
Miss Sofi : "You'd better put your items into a backpack and handbag. You should love your body."
Edo : "You could be right. Thanks for your suggestion, Miss.
Miss Sofi : "My pleasure"

Example dialog (2)
This dialog I made my self with Comic Page Creator..

And this is a video for pronunciation Giving Suggestion

Maybe this is all that I can say. I hope this is useful for you. Thank you very much and see you in the next material..πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š


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