Expression of Appreciation

Hello friends! How are you? I hope you are well..
Today I will make a blog about Expression of Appreciation
Let's start learning it!

Expression of Appreciation is expression that be spoken when you get help or praise from someone. 

♣ Expression of Appreciation and Responses

1.You are a true friend.
Responses : It’s a pleasure.
2. You made my birthday a special day.
Responses : It was my pleasure.
3. You make me happy.
Responses : That’s what friends are.
4. You’ve been very helpful.
Responses : Glad to be of any assistance.
5. I am indebted to you.
Responses : Forget it.
6. Sincere thanks
Responses : You are welcome
7.Thanks for coming. 
Responses : Anytime
8. You picked the perfect gift for me.
Responses : You got it
9. You are one of the most generous people I know.
Responses : Glad to be of any assistance.
10. I’m grateful for your time. 
Responses : My pleasure.

♣Example dialogue Expression of Appreciation from book

Rita : " Your handwriting is clear and beautiful, Edo. "
Edo : " Thanks. "

Ani : " Your picture is beautiful! I like the color. "
Siti : " Thank you. "

Teacher : " Great! I think that is beautiful invitation card. I like it. "
Rendi : " Thanks a lot, Sir. "

Example dialog by Comic Page Creator

And for pronunciation, Click here!

 Maybe, that's is for this blog. I hope this is useful.. Thank you very much and see you next time ๐Ÿ‘‹

Daftar pustaka :
Siti Wachidah, dkk. (2014). When English Rings a Bell. Jakarta : Gramedia


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